Il Seme che germoglia

The Seed that sprouts

Italy supports F.A.O.’s activity in fighting against

under-nutrition and malnutrition in the world. Half century

after the establishment the F.A.O. in Rome, Italy intends to

underline the important link with this big UN agency, through

the donation of a bronze artwork created by the sculptor

Roberto Joppolo. When art is called to play its high civil

function, it must abandon any cryptic aesthetic temptation

and open itself to dialogue. Without being redundant, and in

line with his coherent research activity, the sculptor builds a

new level of synthesis on different topics. Joppolo is aware of this, and opens his usual oval

shapes, to discover in this simple gesture, a hand opening, a seed that is already a bud.

A simple gesture to signify the most important thing: that FAO represents the hope for a less

unjust world…the seed that is sprouting. It’s so rare to encounter artworks that, with such

naturalness, conjugate and match the needs of research for the artist and the specific topics

liked to a special occasion. This new sculpture is the expression of sculptor’s mature style

and represents, in its recurring unadorned minimalism the universality of language.

This is the power of art: the ability to speak to all the people in the world. Also, this work,

important but humble, is linked to the earth (offering its fruits) by an ethical and etymological


legacy. The artwork is 3.30 meters tall and was made of wax cast bronze, all polished and coated.



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