Armonia Celeste

Celestial Harmony


“Armonia Celeste” won the national competition to be the new “S. Rosa Machine” 

 in Viterbo in 1986. It is an innovative work that radically breaks the concept adopted for over six centuries by the previous creators in projecting this huge building over 30 meters tall, lit and carried on the shoulders of 100 porters every 3 September, in the streets of Viterbo. The "Machine" created by Joppolo is no longer an assemblage of many r egular pieces, but a real sculpture representing the city of Viterbo faith for its Saint. The city walls are represented at the base of the sculpture; from this base ranks of glorifying angels come out and raise the figure of Santa Rosa, with harmonious movement; this common thread holds the Virgin Mary together with the City Viterbo (period:1986-1990).
















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